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How to Upload Image and Add Panels
You can upload an image by following these steps: Navigate to the Design Tool Click on the Map Selection drop down Toggle to the "Upload Image" button Click on "Select Image" & complete the process. Once the image is uploaded ,you will see the "Panel ...
How do I delete Panel/s ?
You can delete a single panel from Design Page by following these steps: Navigate to the design tool. Click on the Array from which you want to remove panel/s. Double click on the panel you want to remove. Confirmation of deletion will be then ...
How do I delete Panel/s ?
You can delete a single panel from Design Page by following these steps: Navigate to the design tool. Click on the Array from which you want to remove panel/s. Double click on the panel you want to remove. Confirmation of deletion will be then ...
How can I allocate different Solar savings for different meters?
Allocating different solar savings for different meters depends on your system setup, metering arrangement, and billing structure. Here are the main approaches you can use: 1. Proportional Allocation Based on Consumption If multiple meters are linked ...
Introducing Structures for Panels in Enact
How to add Structures for Panels Add Panels on the Roof: Start by placing solar panels onto the desired rooftop area. Access Panel Properties: Click on "Show More" under the panel properties section. Add Frame Height: Enter the frame height to ...