Projects Dashboard
Can I edit the basic info?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone Yes, you can edit the contact name and contact details by clicking the pencil on the right side of the page. However, you cannot edit project name, project type, address, source, and ...
How do I edit or delete a quote?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone Created quotes will appear on the Projects tab. There are three icons that show on the right. Click on the pencil icon to edit the quote, the trash can to delete the quote or the ...
How can I upload leads to the ENACT platform?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone To upload leads to Enact Platform , simply go to the Projects tab and click on the 3 dots and select "upload projects button" on the right side of the page. Then choose the desired ...
How can I search for a project?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone To search for a project , go to the Projects tab and click on any of the search icons to search for a project. You can search for your project by any of the fields (city name, customer ...
How can I delete a project?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone To delete a Project , click on an individual project or multiple projects at a time that you would like to delete & then click on the red recycle bin icon on the top right corner of ...
Can I download details of all the projects that have been created?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone Yes, you can download this from the Projects tab. Click on "Export" to download all of the details of projects. After clicking “Export”, you will be asked “Do you want to include ...
Can I modify and arrange the columns we see on the Projects tab?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone To modify the column , click on the 3 dots on the top right and click on "select columns".You will then get a dropdown with options.Select / unselect the preferred columns >> then ...
How do I create a new project?
Rohit Maurya 2 years ago Updated FollowNot yet followed by anyone Go to the Projects tab and click on "Create Project" on the right side of the page. A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the project details. You can change your marker ...